ADSA 1105 College Keyboarding II
College Keyboarding II emphasizes the use of advanced word processing skills and formatting techniques to produce business correspondence including multi-page letters, memos, and reports, complex tables, forms, and office-related publications. Focus will continue to be placed on the improvement of keyboarding accuracy, speed, and proofreading skills.
ADSA 1100
Topics to be Covered
1. Keyboarding speed and accuracy
2. Advanced formatting in complex business documents
Learning Outcomes
1. Build keyboarding speed
2. Apply proofreading skills to present error free business documents
3. Apply word processing skills and advanced formatting techniques to produce complex business documents such as multi-page letters, memos, and reports
4. Plan, format, and create complex tables, forms, and office related publications
Credit Details
Lecture: 2
Lab: 1
OJT: 0
MnTC Goal Area(s): None