ADSA 1112 Technology Tools and Applications for the Office Environment


Technology Tools and Applications for the Office Environment explores current and emerging technologies used in an office environment. Students will gain knowledge and hands-on experience using a variety of technology tools that can assist with the facilitation and management of an efficient work environment. Types of technology applications covered include calendar, organizational, collaboration, design, artificial intelligence (AI), and professional development.







Topics to be Covered

1. Technology tools and and trends

2. Technology use in the office environment

3. Technology use for professional development

Learning Outcomes

1. Examine and articulate current and emerging trends in technology used in the office environment

2. Explain the importance of collaboration, communication, and networking technologies used in the office environment and for professional development

3. Communicate with the instructor or classmates utilizing technology tools

4. Perform tasks and office procedures through the application of technology tools

5. Create, design, and edit a basic web site

6. Utilize technology to enhance opportunities for professional development

7. Apply decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking skills

8. Demonstrate professionalism in all course communications

Credit Details

Lecture: 2

Lab: 0

OJT: 0

MnTC Goal Area(s): None