ADSA 1122 Word Processing I


Word Processing I is designed to introduce students to the concepts, terminology, features, and applications of word processing software. Topics covered include the preparation, management, formatting, editing, enhancing, and customization of documents.







Topics to be Covered

1. Preparing a Word document

2. Formatting characters and paragraphs

3. Customizing paragraphs

4. Formatting pages and documents

5. Inserting and formatting objects

6. Managing documents

7. Creating tables

8. Applying and customizing formatting

9. Merging documents

Learning Outcomes

1. Create, save, print, close, retrieve, and edit documents

2. Utilize spell check, grammar, and thesaurus features

3. Perform text editing functions: selecting, insertion, deletion, undo, redo

4. Apply character formatting: attributes, font size, typestyles

5. Apply and modify styles and themes

6. Apply and customize paragraph formatting: alignment, numbered/bulleted lists, setting and modifying tabs (left, center, right, leaders), line spacing, borders, shading, sorting, copying, cutting, and pasting

7. Apply and customize page formatting: margins, orientation, size, page breaks, section breaks, page numbering, headers and footers, columns

8. Enhance and customize documents: insert symbols and special characters, insert and format images, text boxes, shapes, WordArt, SmartArt

9. Manage and manipulate document views, document display, and windows

10. Create and print envelopes and labels

11. Create and format tables

12. Create and edit a data source and perform a mail merge

13. Demonstrate professionalism in all course communications.

Credit Details

Lecture: 1

Lab: 1

OJT: 0

MnTC Goal Area(s): None