DSL 2145 Advanced Diesel


Advanced Diesel reviews the theory and operation of specialty areas of diesel engine rebuilding. This course explains different tier levels for emission-controlled engines.




DSL 1100 and DSL 1110

Topics to be Covered

1. Diesel Engine Systems

2. Timing the fuel system to the diesel engine

3. Emission control system operation

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze and interpret customer concerns

2. Differentiate various diesel engine systems

3. Explain the process of rebuilding a diesel engine

4. Diagnose and explain repairs needed on diesel engine systems

5. Determine correct timing to ensure maximum engine performance

6. Describe the effect on performance of the engine dependent on operation

7. Explain engine machining processes

8. Describe the evolution from the mechanical to current electronically controlled engines

Credit Details

Lecture: 4

Lab: 0

OJT: 0