EDUC 1100 Introduction to Education


Introduction to Education introduces students to early childhood, elementary and secondary education. Examines career opportunities, requirements, regulations, and professional ethics. The study of historical and social foundations of education, as well as schools in a diverse society will be covered. Includes 15 hours of field experience.




ENGL 0090 or placement by multiple measures and a Department of Human Services background study will be conducted

Topics to be Covered

1. Qualities of an effective educator

2. Professional ethics

3. Historical and social foundations of education

4. Philosophies of education

5. Self-analysis for potential to be an educator

6. Inclusive perspectives for students of diverse abilities

7. Racial and socioeconomic backgrounds

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify and describe requirements, regulations, and ethical practices of professional educators.

2. Identify and describe best practices of “Good Teaching”.

3. Identify and describe current trends in education.

4. Describe various teaching models.

5. Compare various approaches to and philosophies of education.

6. Formulate a personal philosophy of education.

Credit Details

Lecture: 3

Lab: 0

OJT: 0

Transfer Pathway Competencies

Based on the STANDARDS OF EFFECTIVE PRACTICE FOR TEACHERS, Minnesota State Statute 8710.2000 , Subp. 3. Standard 2, student learning

A. understand how students internalize knowledge, acquire skills, and develop thinking behaviors, and know how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning.

B. understand that a student’s physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive development influence learning and know how to address these factors when making instructional decisions

C. understand developmental progressions of learners and ranges of individual variation within the physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive domains, be able to identify levels of readiness in learning, and understand how development in any one domain may affect performance in others.

Subpart 4. Standard 3 Diverse Learners

E. understand how a student’s learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family, and community values

F. understand the contributions and lifestyles of the various racial, cultural, and economic groups in our society;

Subpart 7. Standard 6, communication

C. understand the importance of nonverbal as well as verbal communication

Subpart 10. Standard 9, reflection and professional development

A. understand the historical and philosophical foundations of education

Subpart 11. Standard 10, collaboration, ethics, and relationships

A. understand schools as organizations within the larger community context and understand the operations of the relevant aspects of the systems within which the teacher works

B. understand how factors in a student’s environment outside of school, including family circumstances, community environments, health and economic conditions, may influence student life and learning

L. understand mandatory reporting laws and rules