ELPL 1102 Pole Climbing and Equipment Operations II
Pole Climbing and Equipment Operations II covers two of the techniques used by powerline workers to elevate themselves to a safe working position for the installation, maintenance or removal of electrical equipment on powerlines. The techniques are pole climbing and safe operations of digger and basket trucks. This course is a continuation of Pole Climbing and Equipment Operations.
ELPL 1100
Topics to be Covered
1. Crossarm construction and framing poles
2. Bucket truck safety and operation
3. Setting and removing poles
4. Rigging and knots
Learning Outcomes
1. Frame single and double crossarms
2. Retire single and double crossarms
3. Perform pole top rescue
4. Describe safety rules for bucket truck operation including positioning, stabilizing, override control, emergency operations, emergency procedures, boom lifting capabilities, and truck ground and barrier
5. Complete log sheet for digger truck
6. Describe digger truck hydraulic and overload protectors
7. Describe digger truck cold weather start-up
Credit Details
Lecture: 1
Lab: 3
OJT: 0