ELUT 2110 Transformer Banking II
Transformer Banking II is a continuation of Transformer Banking I. This course will look into single-phase power banks and auto transformers used in the transmission and distribution of small and large blocks of power.
ELUT 1110
Topics to be Covered
1. Transformer components
2. Auto transformers
3. Ratio tests
4. Nameplates
5. Open Circuits
6. Trouble shooting
7. Voltage
8. Current
9. Construction and application of single phase, v phase, and 3 phase
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify transformer components
2. Explain function and draw schematic of an autotransformer
3. Perform ratio test
4. Locate nameplate and interpret nameplate data
5. Determine cause of open circuit
6. Troubleshoot low-voltage complaint
7. Interpret codes used in abbreviated cooling
8. Calculate total power
9. Demonstrate transformer safety procedures
Credit Details
Lecture: 1
Lab: 1
OJT: 0