FBMA 2933 Applied Financial Management Strategic Planning Emphasis


Applied Financial Management Strategic Planning Emphasis applies practical application of strategic planning skills. Students will utilize financial information and records to apply the strategic plan.

Management Credits


Topics to be Covered

1. Examine values

2. Operating philosophy and determine the stakeholders

3. Gather and analyze business enterprise & financial data to design a specific performance audit

Learning Outcomes

1. Revise the current business to reflect implemented strategic plans

2. Implement a monitoring model which includes the use of business analysis

3. Prioritize and implement the action plan

4. Develop strategies to reduce the gap between actual and desired performance

5. Employ gap analysis and determine measurable difference between future vision and current performance

6. Assemble and analyze business enterprise and financial data to design specific performance metrics

7. Identify qualities or attributes that distinguish the business strengths and weaknesses

8. Participate with the planning team in writing a general mission statement for the business

9. Examine values and operating philosophy