MDLT 2106 Immunohematology
Immunohematology (Bloodbanking) teaches the theory of red cell antigen-antibody interactions as it relates to blood grouping and typing, antibody detection compatibility testing. Blood donor screening component preparation are also discussed. In laboratory the student will perform basic blood banking procedures. Accuracy in procedure interpretation is emphasized.
MDLT 1100 and MDLT 1120
Topics to be Covered
1. This course focuses on the concepts and techniques used in transfusion medicine.
Learning Outcomes
1. Apply principles of safety, quality assurance, and quality control in immunohematology.
2. Describe blood group genetics, characteristic of the blood group system, and the principles of immunology as they relate to immunohematology.
3. List the requirements for the donation of blood; and describe the preparation, storage, and use of blood components.
4. Evaluate laboratory test results; select additional procedures to be performed; correlate test results with patient conditions.
5. Describe the principles and perform routine blood bank tests.
Credit Details
Lecture: 2
Lab: 1
OJT: 0
MnTC Goal Area(s): None