NURS 2145 Principles of Professional Nursing
Principles of Professional Nursing teaches the concepts of patient-centered care including holistic assessments, nursing process and patient education, therapeutic communication, and safety in care delivery are emphasized. Evidence-based practice as a foundation for sound clinical reasoning is incorporated. Prioritization, delegation and supervision as it related to client care and working with other professionals is included throughout the course. Facilitates transition of the Licensed Practical Nurse into the professional nursing role.
Admission to the Associate in Science nursing program
Topics to be Covered
1. Differences in scope of nursing practice
2. Holistic data collection for adult and pediatric patients
3. Nursing process and interventions
4. Clinical reasoning
5. Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests
6. Therapeutic communication
7. Nursing informatics
8. Client education
9. Safety of the client and the health care professions
10. Delegation, prioritization, and supervision
11. Professional Writing
12. Evidence-based practice
13. NCLEX Preparation
Learning Outcomes
1. Differentiate between licensed practical and professional scope of nursing practice (NLN:
2. Professional Identity).
3. Apply ethical principles and responsibilities (including boundaries) to the role of professional
4. nursing (NLN: Human Flourishing).
5. Differentiate normal versus abnormal lab values and diagnostics within clinical setting (NLN: Patient-Centered Care)
6. Incorporate evidence-based research into nursing process and interventions (QSEN: Evidence-
7. based Practice).
8. Collect data and plan interventions for holistic assessments (NLN: Patient-entered Care).
9. Demonstrate techniques of therapeutic professional communication (QSEN: Teamwork and
10. Collaboration).
11. Integrate clinical reasoning and judgment skills into development of patient plan of care (NLN:
12. Nursing Judgment).
13. Discuss methods to improve the quality and safety of health care systems (QSEN: Quality
14. Improvement).
15. Utilize information technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and
16. support decision making (QSEN: Informatics).
17. Describe concepts of cultural diversity and influences that affect culturally respectful health
18. care. (NLN: Human Flourishing).
Credit Details
Lecture: 2
Lab: 0
OJT: 0
MnTC Goal Area(s): None