PHED 2140 Theory and Technique of Body Conditioning


Theory and Technique of Body Conditioning teaches methods and techniques of physical conditioning. Includes the use of theory in designing different fitness programs.




PHED 1130 or PHED 1140 or consent of instructor



Topics to be Covered

1. Fundamental skills, history and safety of weight training

2. Physiological, and performance effects of weight training

3. Improve physical fitness through the use of both weight training and cardiovascular training.

4. To guide students in planning an individualized weight training program.

5. Time management

6. Goal setting

7. Digestive, circular, and respiratory systems

8. Nutrition

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify the major benefits of weight training as it relates to lifetime fitness and sport performance.

2. Describe and explain an understanding the proper weight training and spotting techniques with free weights and resistance machines for the major muscle groups.

3. Develop a weight training program that will meet the needs of an individual’s interested in personal fitness, health concerns, physical disabilities or other limitations. or for multiple student athletes who are involved in various sports.

4. Develop training programs for multiple students who are involved in various sports programs.

5. Time management.

6. Explain how to select and modify weight training and fitness activities to allow participation by children, the elderly, and those with special needs.

7. Describe the proper safety procedures as they relate to all physical activity.

8. Describe and explain body systems and how they relate to cardiovascular and respiratory conditioning.

9. Demonstrate proper spotting techniques for all lifts and exercises.

Credit Details

Lecture: 1

Lab: 1

OJT: 0

MnTC Goal Area(s): None