PHRM 1110 Pharmaceutical Calculations


Pharmaceutical Calculations teaches students to demonstrate proficiency in specific calculation methods and principles related to pharmacy tasks. Students will utilize basic arithmetic principles in completing tasks associated with a pharmacy technician. Throughout this course basic math skills will be reviewed that are necessary for the required calculations that become more advanced as students’ progress through the course. Students will also demonstrate understanding of various measurement systems and various dosage calculations.




PHRM 1100



Topics to be Covered

1. This course will cover basic math concepts, in conjunction with math concepts specific to dosage and measurement calculations required for pharmacy calculations.

Learning Outcomes

1. Interpret roman numerals.

2. Calculate ratios and proportions.

3. Demonstrate the conversion of weights and measures and direct ratios and proportions.

4. Calculate dosages for adults and children based on various parameters.

5. Demonstrate how to reduce and enlarge proportions

6. Demonstrate problem solving skills including specific gravity, percent strength, weight and volume, weight and weight, and volume and volume.

7. Calculate percentages and strengths of medications.

8. Demonstrate basic business math principles.

9. Determine flow rates associated with Intravenous (IV) fluids.

10. Convert temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

11. Determine correct concentrations and dilutions.

12. Calculate amounts of ingredients needed for a formulation.

13. Calculated the number of doses required for a prescription order.

14. Convert metric measurements between apothecary and household measurements.

15. Discuss how the medication/use process differs in various patient care settings.

Credit Details

Lecture: 2

Lab: 1

OJT: 0

MnTC Goal Area(s): None