SOC 1101 Introduction to Sociology


Introduction to Sociology familiarizes the student to basic sociological concepts. Topics include sociological theory, research, culture, socialization, groups, social stratification, social class, gender, race, and family. Secondly, a comprehensive study of society, with analysis of group life, and other forces shaping human behavior. Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social interaction.




STSK 0090 or placement by multiple measures



Topics to be Covered

1. Sociological Theory

2. Research Methods

3. Culture

4. Socialization/Groups

5. Social Interaction/Structure

6. Mass Media

7. Deviance and Social Control

8. Social Stratification (Social Class/Gender)

9. Global Inequality

10. Racial/Ethnic Inequality

11. Family and Intimate Relationships

12. Education

13. Religion

14. Government and Economy

Learning Outcomes

1. Describe the major concepts, principles, and theoretical frameworks across subfields of sociology.

2. Identify past and present societal structures.

3. Identify and discuss social group behaviors in the society.

4. Describe culture, socialization, family, education and religious practices in the lives of society’s members.

5. Identify media outlets and its influence on subfields in sociology

Credit Details

Lecture: 3

Lab: 0

OJT: 0

MnTC Goal Area(s): Goal Area 05 - History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goal Area(s) and Competencies

Goal Area 05: History and the Social and Behavioral Science

1. Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientist use to investigate the human condition.

2. Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.

3. Use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.

4. Develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues.