STSK 1105 Critical Reading


Critical Reading is intended for students who would like an in-depth study of textbook reading strategies in order to improve their textbook reading comprehension in current coursework. The emphasis in this course is on understanding textbook structure and developing effective strategies for efficiently and critically reading college textbooks.







Topics to be Covered

1. Main Idea

2. Supporting Details

3. Implied Main Ideas

4. Inferences

5. Purpose & tone

6. Argument

7. Critical Reading

8. Active Reading & Study

Learning Outcomes

1. Read, understand, and respond to college textbook material at literal, inferential, and critical levels.

2. Recognize organizations of textbooks, textbook chapters, and related text resources.

3. Demonstrate a variety of effective strategies for learning vocabulary and comprehending concepts encountered in textbooks.

4. Demonstrate an understanding of reading flexibility and adjustment of rate and strategies depending on text and purpose.

5. Assess personal textbook reading in several courses, and select appropriate strategies to improve comprehension and learning.

Credit Details

Lecture: 2

Lab: 0

OJT: 0

MnTC Goal Area(s): None