
Time of Entrance

Students may have multiple opportunities for entrance to Minnesota West Community & Technical College.

Check with the program or major of choice for admission requirements. It is recommended that high school seniors make application for admission during their senior year and include with their high school transcript a current schedule of classes.

Registration refers to the process of signing up for classes. The registration procedures vary depending upon whether a new or continuing student is in a degree, diploma or certificate program or is taking classes but not pursuing a degree, diploma or certificate.

New students who have completed the application for admission process will be scheduled for an orientation/advising session. During orientation/advising, advisors will meet with students to assist in selecting appropriate courses. At the conclusion of this session, registration begins.

State Residency Requirement

Classification as State Residents. Students who meet one or more of the following conditions on the date they apply for admission to a state college or university shall be classified as residents of Minnesota.

  1. Students must have resided in Minnesota for at least one calendar year immediately prior to applying for in-state tuition or are dependent students whose parents or legal guardian resides in Minnesota at the time the student applies. Residence in Minnesota must not be merely for the purpose of attending college.
  2. Students are Minnesota residents and can demonstrate that they were temporarily absent from the state without establishing residency elsewhere.
  3. Students moved to the state for employment purposes and, before moving and before applying for admission to a public postsecondary institution, accepted a full-time job in the state, or students who are spouses or dependents of such persons.


Domicile is a person's true, fixed and permanent living place. Domicile is the place to which a person intends to return after temporary absences. A person may have only one domicile at a time.

  1. Demonstration of Domicile and Factors to be Considered. In order to be reclassified as a Minnesota state resident, a student must first demonstrate the establishment of domicile in Minnesota as described in this part.
  2. Required Period of Residence. A student must have resided in Minnesota for a continuous period of one calendar year immediately prior to applying for reclassification, and residence in Minnesota during this period of time must not have been solely or primarily for the purpose of attending a college or university
  3. Other Factors. Each of the following additional facts and circumstances may be considered in the evaluation of a petition for a change in state residency, and other factors not listed may also be considered. The existence of any one of these factors is neither necessary nor sufficient to form the basis for a decision. It is the student's responsibility to provide documentation or evidence of any factors to be considered in the reclassification decision.
    1. Continuous presence in Minnesota between academic terms or other periods when not enrolled as a
    2. Registration as a voter in
    3. Ownership of a home in
    4. Domicile of the student's spouse in
    5. Registration of the student's automobile in Minnesota.
    6. For a dependent student, domicile in Minnesota of the student's parent or legal guardian.
    7. Evidence of the intention to acquire a domicile in Minnesota.
    8. Sources of the student's financial support are generated within
    9. An offer of employment in Minnesota to begin after the student's projected date of college or university graduation.
  1. Decision: A student’s petition for reclassification shall be considered and a decision made within one week of receipt of petition and all necessary documentation. A student whose residency is changed to that of a Minnesota resident shall be charged the resident tuition rate effective at the beginning of the term of enrollment following the date the petition was submitted. Classification of a student as a Minnesota resident shall apply to all Minnesota State colleges and universities.
  2. Appeal. Students may appeal a decision not to reclassify a student as a Minnesota resident by requesting their initial petition be forwarded to the college provost for additional review. The provost’s decision shall be final.