Library and Academic Resource Center (LARC)

Each Minnesota West Community & Technical College campus has a Library and Academic Resource Center (LARC), which supports the curriculum, students, and staff. The LARC houses the following services:


Minnesota West Community & Technical College has approximately 50,000 items including books, periodicals, audio-visual materials, electronic books, and streaming videos. The library website provides access to the online catalog, full-text article databases and reference books, and other library services. Off- campus access is available through proxy services.

Library materials are transported between campuses via U.S. mail. Interlibrary loan for materials not owned by Minnesota West Community & Technical College is provided through the MINITEX system.

Library staff provides reference and user instruction on all campuses and to our distance learners. Each library has open computer and study spaces designed to create an inviting atmosphere with comfortable seating, individual carrels, and group study areas.


The Library and Academic Resource Center offers free tutoring to students who need help with classes or programs.

  • Individualized and small group tutoring is available for students on all Students use tutoring services in the LARC to receive assistance in oral and written communication skills, math, reading skills, study skills, and technical tutoring.
  • Tutors help students prepare for tests, improve study techniques, review course materials, and answer questions about assignments. They assist with fundamental skills such as time management, note taking, and test preparation techniques that are necessary for college success. Tutors will not do work for students, nor do they replace instructors. They will show techniques to keep pace with assignments and help students understand course material.
  • Students usually request tutoring on their own, but faculty may also refer a student for tutoring.

Both peer and staff tutors are available.

  • Peer tutors are fellow students who display a willingness to assist others and who know the course content and the instructor's
  • Staff tutors provide tutoring and assistance with general study techniques.

Online Assistance

Minnesota West utilizes, a dynamic online tutoring service. This service is available to students 24/7 361 days per year (4 holidays are observed) for free. Students needing assistance in math, economics, accounting, chemistry, physics, Spanish, nursing, statistics, and a wide range of other subjects will receive real-time assistance. also includes an online writing lab, allowing students to submit drafts of writing assignments for assistance in revisions.

Test Proctoring

Make-up tests and testing services for students with documented disabilities are proctored in the Library and Academic Resource Centers at each campus. Hours are set each semester and appointments must be made to schedule a test.

Career Center

Career Services include resume and cover letter assistance. These services are provided at no charge to Minnesota West Community & Technical College students, graduates, and alumni. A Career Assessment tool is also available for current and prospective students. Students, alumni, and employers have free access to College Central Network, Minnesota West’s official online job posting and resume building service.

Computer Access

Each Minnesota West Community & Technical College Campus provides computer access to students. Open computer labs for student use are located in each Library and Academic Resource Center.

LARC Help Desk

The college-wide help desk is housed in the Worthington Library and Academic Resource Center. Students from all campuses and distance learners can contact the help desk via phone or online through our online student support “Question” portal. This is a web-based, self-service interface that also features frequently asked questions. The LARC help desk staff works with students to resolve issues related to online courses/D2L and tutoring services. Call (507) 372-3476.

One-Stop Communication Center

The college maintains a Communication Center staffed by Student Services Specialists who can answer most of the students’ questions regarding program information, application, admissions, registration, financial aid, eServices Student Account, Tuition and Fees, Payment Plans, student email, and much more. The Communication Center is available Monday-Friday during the day. Call (800) 658-2330.