Academic Information

Graduation Information
Graduation Information

Graduation Information

Financial Aid
Financial Aid

Financial Aid

Transcript Information
Transcript Information

Transcript Information


Students should adhere to the attendance policy as stated on each course syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to check with each instructor concerning assignments, projects, or work missed during and absence.

Definition of College Credit

A college credit is a unit of measure that is used to quantify progress in or completion of a college course, program, or degree. A credit comprises elements of both time and academic achievement. In higher education, one semester credit generally involves 45 hours of activity. A lecture credit generally is comprised of 15 hours of classroom instruction from a qualified instructor, and an expectation of an additional 30 hours of student supplemental study or activity outside of the classroom. A lab credit would generally be comprised of 30 hours of laboratory instruction from a qualified instructor with an expectation of an additional 15 hours of supplemental study or activity by the student outside the classroom. An On-the-Job (OJT) credit would involve 45 hours of training at an actual job location, working for an employer, under the supervision of a qualified instructor. All credits would require assimilation of specified knowledge and skills comparable to and consistent with learning objectives established for similar courses and levels at other accredited institutions of higher learning.

Advances in communication technologies have affected how colleges award credit. Distance education courses, such as those offered on-line, stress assimilation of knowledge and skills more than time spent in a classroom. Students taking such courses are expected to acquire equivalent knowledge and skills by devoting more time to independent activities designed and directed by qualified faculty than they would for an equivalent course on campus with an instructor.

A college may grant or waive credit for a course in which the student does not enroll if the student can document a direct correlation between his or her life experience and the prescribed faculty-developed coursework. The student must establish that his or her experience was equivalent or superior to the classroom experience as well as demonstrate mastery of the course’s learning objectives in a manner determined by appropriate department faculty.

Dean’s List and Honors

To be eligible for the semester Dean’s list and/or honors, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a full-time student enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits
  2. Earn 12 credits of course work within the A-F grading system. Credits with Pass/Fail grading methods do not count towards the 12-credit minimum.
  3. Earn a 3.5 GPA.

Active Duty with Armed Forces

Minnesota West Community & Technical College in accordance with Minnesota State policy 5.12 recognizes the importance of America’s national defense that is made by students who are members of the armed forces.

Students enrolled at Minnesota West Community & Technical College who are members of any branch of the U.S. military reserves and who are unable to complete a semester due to having been called to active duty shall to the extent possible be provided one of the following options:

  1. The student may be given a full refund of Students receiving financial aid who choose this option should be made aware that they may be liable for any required refunds of state or federal financial aid funds.
  2. The student may be given a grade of incomplete in a course and complete it upon release from active duty. Course completion may be accomplished by independent study or by retaking the course without payment of tuition. Under federal financial aid policies a course that is retaken this way may not be counted toward a student's enrollment load.
  3. If in the instructor's judgment the student has completed sufficient course work to earn a grade of C or better, the student may be given credit for completion of a course.

Minnesota West Community & Technical College will provide a full refund of required tuition, fees, and other institutional charges, or provide a credit in a comparable amount against future charges for students who are forced to withdraw from the College as a result of a military mobilization. Students affected by a military mobilization will be provided an easy and flexible re- entry back into Minnesota West Community & Technical College upon the students release from active duty.

Leave of Absence

Students who have a legitimate reason for an extended absence may request a leave of absence. The leave of absence shall meet these conditions.

  1. Must be a written request giving starting and ending dates.
  2. Must be approved by the student’s advisor and a College Dean.
  3. Will not exceed thirty (30) school days.
  4. Does not require the student to pay any charges to the College during the leave period.
  5. Does not require the student to repeat any class time.
  6. May be granted to a student only once in a twelve (12) month period.

Note: If a student who has been granted a leave of absence does not return to class at the end of the leave, the student’s withdrawal date is the first date of the leave. Consequently, no financial aid will be disbursed during the period.