FBMT 1223 Using System Analysis in Total Farm Planning

FBMT 1223: Using System Analysis in Total Farm Planning


Using System Analysis in Total Farm Planning assists the student with a farm business analysis and the exploration of possible implications and/or solutions of these concepts. A systematic method to assess farm business strengths and weaknesses based on the analysis will be used.

Management Credits


Topics to be Covered

1. Farm system analysis concepts

2. Revised farm plan

3. Strengths and weaknesses of general farm system

4. System goals and planning relationships

5. System management resources

6. Evaluation strategies

Learning Outcomes

1. Explain selected sections of the farm business analysis

2. Complete and understand the financial scorecard

3. Determine the farm businesses strengths and weaknesses

4. Complete a farm business S.W.O. T. analysis using the information from the who farm and enterprise analysis

5. Compare farm financial scorecard to industry averages

6. Develop enterprise budgets to reflect desired enterprise improvements