LWMP 1300 Introduction to Sheep Health

LWMP 1300: Introduction to Sheep Health


Introduction to sheep health will familiarize students with management practices beneficial to healthy animal production. Sheep health is fundamental to a successful sheep enterprise. Sheep health will be studied in the following categories: Animal Behavior, Handling, Housing and Nutrition; Quality Assurance and Bio-Security; Young Lamb Health Concerns; Metabolic Disorders; Abortion Management; Lameness Issues; Fertility Concerns in Rams, Sheep Eye Health Concerns; and Other General Health Issues.

Management Credits


Topics to be Covered

1. Animal Behavior, Handling, Housing and Nutrition

2. Quality Assurance and Bio-Security

3. Young Lamb Health Concerns

4. Metabolic Disorders

5. Abortion Management

6. Lameness Issues

7. Fertility Concerns in Rams

8. Sheep Eye Health Concerns

9. Other General Health Issues

Learning Outcomes

1. Recognize sick animal behavior.

2. Identify importance of nutrition on animal health.

3. Identify animal space requirements.

4. Identify animal building ventilation requirements.

5. Describe external and internal parasite management.

6. Describe management practices utilized to minimize metabolic disorders.

7. Identify management practices to prevent contagious health issues.

8. Identify management practices to successfully raise healthy lambs.

9. Identify management practices to produce safe, high quality products.

10. Develop a bio-security plan.

11. Identify disease symptoms, causative agent, transmission, treatment and prevention.

12. Develop a site specific internal and external parasite management program.

13. Identify the basic layers of animal health protection.