LWMP 1402 Sheep Quality Assurance

LWMP 1402: Sheep Quality Assurance


Sheep Quality Assurance will study the factors that affect the quality and safety of the lamb and wool products produced. Included are feed management, flock health, handling and transporting. Emphasis will be place on producing high quality consumer products.

Management Credits


Topics to be Covered

1. Recordkeeping requirements

2. Proper drug use

3. Injection sites

4. Shearing guidelines

5. Handling and transportation guidelines

6. Feed management practices

Learning Outcomes

1. Explain recordkeeping requirements.

2. Describe proper drug use.

3. Identify proper injection sites and methods.

4. Demonstrate shearing to produce a safe, quality wool product.

5. Identify handling and transportation practices to reduce injury.

6. Describe feed management practices.