LWMP 2012 Breeding Management Strategies

LWMP 2012: Breeding Management Strategies


Breeding Management Strategies studies the development of a systematic approach to management of the flock during breeding and early gestation. It includes defining the management strategies that will increase lambing percentages marketed.

Management Credits


Topics to be Covered

1. Early gestation management plans

2. Methods to assure breeding performance

3. Identifying stress factors that negatively impact lambing rate

4. Define the role and use of teaser rams

5. Describing ewe condition score

6. Ewe flushing methods

7. Overall breeding management plan

Learning Outcomes

1. Develop an early gestation management plan.

2. Define monitoring methods to assure breeding performance.

3. Identify stress factors that negatively impact final lambing rate.

4. Define role and use of teaser ram.

5. Describe ewe flushing methods.

6. Describe time table for new genetic seedstock purchases.

7. Describe ewe condition scoring and how to use it.

8. Develop a breeding management plan.