STSK 0090 Reading Improvement I
STSK 0090: Reading Improvement I
Reading Improvement I provides improvement of reading skills for students underprepared for college level reading. The focus is on basic comprehension with additional instruction in vocabulary and word recognition.
College level reading placement by multiple measures
Topics to be Covered
1. Success in College Reading
2. Vocabulary in Context
3. Main Ideas
4. Supporting Details
5. Relationships
6. Implied Main Ideas
7. Inferences
8. Argument
9. Critical Reading
Learning Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of the reading process.
2. Demonstrate and apply appropriate study skills for college success.
3. Increase confidence in their ability to read, comprehend, organize, and retain written information.
4. Activate prior knowledge.
5. Improve reading fluency.
6. Adapt reading rate depending on the difficulty of the text.
7. Use metacognition skills and self-awareness of comprehension.
8. Break down reading assignments into manageable load.
9. Evaluate information within and across multiple texts of varying length.
10. Apply comprehension monitoring strategies.
11. Improve comprehension through the use of outlining, paraphrasing, mapping, summarizing,
12. which will improve comprehension and retention.
13. Explain the meaning of new words by using context clues.
14. Refine reading strategies through instructor feedback.
15. Develop an ability to recognize main ideas and supporting details in order to improve
16. comprehension and retention of written information.
17. Identify implied main ideas.
18. Recognize relationship words and patterns of organization to better comprehend text.
19. Identify multiple points of view.
20. Use problem solving strategies to comprehend reading material.
21. Identify patterns of organization (including comparison/contrast, cause and effect, illustration, addition, and time order.
22. Read to determine and make logical inferences.
23. Identify the author’s tone, style, and point of view.
24. Evaluate arguments in text including validity, relevance, and sufficiency of evidence.
25. Distinguish fact from opinion.
26. Implement active reading strategies.
27. Demonstrate successful behaviors for college success.
Credit Details
Lecture: 2
Lab: 0
OJT: 0
MnTC Goal Area(s): None