Tuition & Fees

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for credit bearing courses at Minnesota West are established by the Minnesota State Board of Trustees. Future and current students are encouraged to visit the College web site for the most current tuition and fees information.


For students who live in a state that has a reciprocity agreement with Minnesota, tuition and fees will be based on their home state's negotiated rate. Students from Wisconsin and North Dakota need to apply to their home state to ensure the negotiated tuition rate.

Students from South Dakota need to complete an application and submit it to the campus they plan to attend. Contact the Campus Resource Specialist for assistance.

Paying Tuition & Fees

Due dates for paying tuition and fees each semester are found on the Student Calendar. It is important that you read this notice regarding tuition payment.  The college does not mail tuition statements – you can review your account online using your e-Services Student account

Choose one of the following options for paying your tuition and fees:

Pay online. Use your student e-Services Student account. Online payments are accepted at any time 7 days a week. You make full or partial payments with a credit card or e-check.

  • Pay in Set up a tuition payment plan with Nelnet Campus Commerce.
  • Pay by Remember to include you student ID on any payment sent to the campus business office.
  • Pay in Payments are accepted at the campus business office during regular business hours. Payments may be made with a credit or debit card, check or cash.

Third-Party Billing

When a student’s tuition, fees and/or bookstore purchases are billed directly to an outside agency or organization, the process is termed “third-party billing.” The College agrees to defer the appropriate college costs and collect payment directly from the agency or organization on behalf of the student. The College must receive authorization from the sponsoring agency or organization before third-party billing can be processed. Students are ultimately responsible for all college costs incurred.

Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment Students who have not paid their tuition and fees by the payment deadline will have their class registrations cancelled unless one of the following conditions is met:

  • Student has made a down payment of 15% or $300.00, whichever is less.
  • Student has an active Nelnet tuition payment
  • Student has completed the financial aid application and has an ISIR on file with the College (completed FAFSA using the Minnesota West code of 005263)
  • Student has provided the College with scholarship or third party authorization for payment of tuition.
  • Student is a PSEO

Students in jeopardy of having class registrations cancelled will notice a message on their E-services dashboard notifying them that they have not met the financial requirements necessary to remain registered after the tuition due date. Seek assistance early to ensure that class registration will not be cancelled

Limited circumstances could allow a student to have tuition and fees deferred for a short period of time. Students who believe they have extenuating circumstances that could be considered for deferment must contact the business office. Deferment criteria are well defined. Not all requests for deferments will be granted.

Late Fee

A $30.00 late fee will be assessed to accounts that are not paid by the 25th day of the semester. No late fees will be charged if the payment plan has been implemented by that date. The late fee will also apply to resale activity.


Non-payment of the account will result in submission of the outstanding balance to the Minnesota Department of Revenue Collection Division for further action. Students having outstanding accounts of $501.00 or more will not be permitted to register for a subsequent term. Students should not rely on the College to drop them from courses.

Schedule Adjustments - Drop/Add

Terms three weeks or greater in length:

Minnesota West students may drop courses within the first five days of a term without obligation. For purposes of this policy a term is defined as fall semester, fall late start, spring semester, spring late start, summer session I and summer session II. Students must drop/add through eServices. A 100% refund of tuition and fees shall be provided to a student who drops on or before the fifth day of a term. Students will be obligated for any courses dropped after the fifth day of a term.

Courses less than three weeks in length:

Students are entitled to have the opportunity to attend one class session without obligation. Students who are registered for courses which are less than 3 weeks in length will have one business day after the first class meets in which to drop courses without obligation. A 100% refund of tuition and fees shall be provided to a student who drops a course less than three weeks in length on or before one business day after the first class meets. Students will be obligated for any course dropped after the first business day following the first class session.

Financial Aid Implications:

If a student is eligible for federal financial aid (Title IV) and he/she completely withdraws from school during a period of enrollment, he/she is entitled to aid based on the percentage of the period of enrollment he/she attended. When a student withdraws from all courses prior to completing 60% of the semester, the school is required to determine the amount of the federal financial aid the student has earned. If a student has been disbursed unearned aid, he/she must repay it. If a student has earned aid which has not been disbursed, he/she is eligible to receive those funds as a post- withdrawal disbursement. If any funds are remaining after the return of Title IV aid, they will be used for repayment obligations for Minnesota West Community & Technical College funds, State funds, and other private sources. If an unpaid balance exists, all aid sources will be repaid before any funds are returned.

Refunds of Institutional funds less any federal Title IV aid funds are subject to be returned to State and Local aid programs which require a return of funds. The funds are returned according to the ratio of the aid program award to the total Non-Title IV Aid package.

Late Registration

Registration for classes will be allowed through the first five instructional days of a term. For purposes of this policy, a term is defined as fall semester, fall late start, spring semester, spring late start, summer session I, and summer session II. Registration for courses which are less than 3 weeks in length will be allowed through one business day after the first class meeting date.

Registration after these deadlines will require consent of the instructor, providing space is available.


Students may withdraw from a course through the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the days in the academic semester have elapsed. For courses not on a standard academic semester schedule, the final date for official course withdrawal shall be the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the instructional days for the course have elapsed.

Students withdrawing from the college after registering for classes must officially withdraw with the campus registration office or online through eServices. A course from which the student withdraws will appear on their academic transcript with a W and will count against their completion percentage for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Minnesota West will refund tuition and fees for students who totally withdraw in accordance with the following schedule:

1st to 5th  class day - 100% 6th to 10th class day - 75% 11th to 15th class day - 50% 16th to 20th class day - 25% After the 20th  class day -  0%

Summer sessions and other terms at least three weeks but less than ten weeks in length:

1st to 5th  class day - 100% 6th to 10th class day - 50% After the 10th  class day -  0%

Terms less than three weeks in length: 1st class day of term – 100%

2nd and 3rd class day of term – 50% After the 3rd class day – 0%

Financial Aid Implications

Federal regulations state that students who withdraw after receiving federal financial aid may be required to return a portion of the aid received. Students considering withdrawing from the college should consult an advisor or financial aid specialist before withdrawing from the college. The Minnesota State Grant recalculates throughout the term and may result in a student either receiving an increased or a decreased Minnesota State Grant award. Any student considering withdrawing from a course or courses should speak with a campus financial aid specialist to determine both the academic and financial effects of a withdrawal.

Students in attendance after the 60% point of the term will be considered to have earned all financial aid.

Administrative Withdrawals

The College reserves the right to administratively withdraw students for non-attendance. Notification will be sent students who are administratively withdrawn. There will be no reduction in tuition and fees.